Schulz: Turkey’s EU membership to contribute to world peace

Schulz will exploit the anti-war policies of Chancellor Schroder’s government, which opposed the U.S.-led occupation of Iraq by coalition forces. Schulz told the Financial Times Deutschland that the main issue was to determine whether the foreign policies of Germany would decide the foreign policies of the European Union.

Martin Schulz is well-know for his dispute with Italian president Silvio Berluconi during the opening ceremony of the European Parliament.

Criticizing the anti-Turkey rhetoric of the CSU on the EU membership of Turkey, Schulz stated, "If we follow the policies of the CSU, it means we shape our foreign policy only for internal consumption." Stressing that the future AP would not determine the accession of Turkey to the European Union as a full member, Schulz claimed that the CSU party’s election campaign would create disputes that will occupy the German agenda for the next 10 years.

He assured the supporters of the SPD that they would not give in to the policies of the CSU. The accession of Turkey with her Muslim majority to the European Union will get rid of the doubts and fears concerning the clash of civilizations, Schulz said," The accession of Turkey to the European Union will promote peace in the world and greatly contribute to stability in the world."

The CSU, repeating the policies they followed against the expansion of the European Union to include former Iron Curtain countries, has been following populist policies to create doubts in the mind of the electorate, Schulz said and went on to say that the enlargement of the European Union towards the former Eastern bloc was a great opportunity for the German economy.