Saudi Press Criticizes Administration

Al-Vatan newspaper said that expatriates living in Saudi Arabia have become the main target of terrorist groups. It raised the question, "Why haven’t you prepared enough against these kinds of attacks?"

First, Al-Arraka was attacked and later an oil center. Three attacks in one weekend where perpetrators held many hostages, including women and children.

The British Foreign Minister, recognizing that more attacks are likely, warned its citizens of the possible dangers in Saudi Arabia. The U.S. exhorted its citizens to leave the country.

Elsewhere, there is discussion on how the attack will impact the world oil market. The Saudi Oil Company, Aramco, announced yesterday the oil production would continue its course. In the Aramco statement, it was disclosed that the attacks affected neither company workers, nor the facilities, and that the normal activities proceeded according to schedule. Meanwhile, Al-Arabiya television announced that Saudi Oil Minister, Ali Al-Naimi, talked to the managers of several large oil companies in efforts to convince them that the attacks will not affect oil stocks. Yesterday, Al-Naimi also gathered with Western oil managers to speak on the same subject.