Saudi Arabia Pledges Support of TRNC

Gul report that Faisal said that Turkey and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) deserve all kinds of support. They examined the Cyprus issue in detail and we received great understanding and support from Al-Faisal, Gul said.

Meanwhile, diplomatic attempts to lift embargos on the TRNC continue. State Minister, Mehmet Aydin, is on a regional tour that includes six Gulf States and Deputy Prime Minister, Abdullatif Sener, will visit several African countries. Gul will go to Egypt next for talks about the removal of sanctions on Turkish Cypriots and to improve the status of the TRNC at the Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC). [

Gul said the election of a new Secretary-General to the OIC was also discussed in the talks with Faisal. Gul noted that the OIC which is based in Saudi Arabia is significant in terms of playing an active role in the establishment of this organization and Gul wants Saudi support for Turkish candidate, Ekmelettin Ihsanoglu.