‘Satellite Images Would Have Revealed WMD Movement in Iraq’

Dr. Serdar Erdurmaz, author of "Weapons of Mass Destruction in the Middle East; Controlling the Weapons and Turkey," said that the existence of weapons of mass destruction in North Korea had been confirmed by satellite images showing truck movements at nuclear facilities. The defense analyst added: "If Iraq had decided to use the weapons of mass destruction it possessed, it would have been revealed in photographs taken from space, just as happened in North Korea. The consignment of these [weapons] would have resulted in traffic movement. Then why didn’t Iraq use them? I think it wanted to show the world that it was the victim. If it had used them, it would have made things easier for the United States. I believe that Saddam Hussein hid some of the materials for weapons of mass destruction. He might have buried them in the sand."

Erkan Acar / Istanbul / TURKEY