Saddam’s Cause Remains Strong Without Him

Saddam was assumed to be organizer of the resistance in Iraq and was arrested on December 13 of last year on his farm in Tigrit. Yet, terrorist attacks continue to cause thousands of people to die. The American losses in the war have exceeded a thousand and thousands of Iraqi civilians have also been killed. As a result of US operations to stop the resistance movement, many cities are in ruins. The Iraqi people no longer give US soldiers the support they gave at the beginning of the invasion because their expectations have not been met. Meanwhile, Saddam Hussein and eleven other former top-level authorities have reportedly started a hunger strike in protest of ill treatment. The US army, however, denies claims that Saddam is on a hunger strike. Lieutenant Colonel Barry Johnson said reports of this are completely untrue and that Saddam is in a good condition and ate his dinner the night before.

Some Israeli advisors have reportedly been officiating in Iraq for a long time at the request of US forces. According to the Israeli newspaper, Yediot Ahronot, this cooperation between Iraq and Israel set up with the mediation of a third Middle-Eastern country is being kept secret. Israelis providing consulting services on technology and the development of infrastructure are said to be working with Israeli companies operating in Iraq. The article also said Israeli businessmen want to invest in Iraq despite all the life-threatening risks.