Reflections of Iraq operation in Turkey

eneral Staff Headquarters and Foreign Ministry announced the possible mission region as Salahaddin state and the part including Firat (Euphrates) axis of el-Anbar state, but did not mention the number of soldiers clearly.

Turkey and the United States decided to start negotiation process after the acceptance of the motion, but the negotiations could not start. While, Ankara was saying that it was not very eager to send soldiers to Iraq, Washington noted that it had some hesitations and incapability in itself in regard to the issue of deployment of Turkish soldiers in the region.

Possible reasons for the delay in the process in spite of Ankara’s being ready were shown as the United States’ being unprepared as the motion was accepted faster than expected and its not convincing the groups in Iraq and its concerns that Turkish soldiers could cause an instability in the region.

Following those uncertainties, the government decided not to use the authority it had taken from Parliament on sending soldiers to Iraq on November 7.


While the process between Turkey and the United States on the issue of sending Turkish soldiers to Iraq was continuing, negotiations on eradication of PKK/KADEK terrorist organization from the north of Iraq started between two countries in Ankara.

Carrying on two process in parallel to each other caused discussions. Ankara and Washington stated that two issues were not directly related with each other.

U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary for European and Eurasian Affairs Lynn Pascoe headed U.S. delegation in the first meeting, while Turkish delegation was chaired by Foreign Ministry Deputy Undersecretary Nabi Sensoy. U.S. delegation was headed by U.S. Coordinator for Counterterrorism for the Department of State J. Cofer Black in the second meeting.

Sides reached a consensus on a joint action plan on eradication of PKK/KADEK terrorist organization from the north of Iraq. It was stated that none of the alternatives was out of the agenda regarding the elimination of the terrorist organization.


A suicide attack was launched against Turkey’s Baghdad Embassy in October while the issue of sending soldiers to Iraq was on the agenda of Turkey.

Three officials of the Embassy were injured and two people including the assailant died.

Ankara condemned the attack. The attack showed one more time the necessity of international cooperation on fight against terrorism. World leaders also condemned the attack which was considered as the continuation of terrorist activities in the region.