Red Cross: Felluce Residents are Wretched

The Red Cross has called for an independent evaluation of the city. It says electricity, water, and medical supplies are still not being delivered and the water distillation systems are not functioning.

Following recent developments, US authorities and the Iraqi interim government have reported that supplies can be delivered to Fallujah. The government spokesperson said yesterday that they will assist with the return of refugees and compensate each family with $100 dollars.

The Iraqi Red Crescent has started to distribute aid materials to nearly 200,000 people. A Red Crescent official in the capital city of Bagdat (Baghdad), Abdulhamid Salim, said: "We have conflicting information at hand about what has been going on in Fallujah. We are not ready to enter the city yet. Right now, we are giving out food, blankets, and medicine to the families that succeeded in escaping from Fallujah."

The Turkish Red Cross will contribute $500,000 in humanitarian aid to the Iraqi city. Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Namik Tan said arrangements for aid delivery are in progress. He added that the Turkish aid will be distributed via the Red Crescent to civilians in Fallujah.