Red Cross: 90% of Iraqi Captives are Innocent

’90 percent of the captives are caught by mistake,’ reads the report and stats that systematic tortures are more than what is already known. According to the Report, the Red Cross officials during their examines at the Prison in October 2003, witnessed that the captives were kept naked in the empty rooms. The Officials demanding explanation for the situation from the coalition forces was replied by an American officer, ‘this is a part of the process.’ In the report, tortures by the British soldiers were also mentioned.

While the Prison was described as ‘the torture center’ in the Report, similar scenes were come across with English soldiers at the Um Qasr prison in Basra it was evaluated.

The Red Cross report also says that coalition intelligence officials said to International Committee of Red Cross (ICRC) that nearly 70-90 percent of the captives are caught by mistake. The ICRC also registers that the coalition forces failed to set up a system for the families of captives and that it caused ‘missing in custody’. It is stated that reluctant manners of the occupying forces and difficulties for reaching out correct information have caused increasing rage among the Iraqi against coalition forces.

Besides, United Nations International Children Education Fund (UNICEF) announced deep sadness for the children subjected to torture at the Iraqi prisoners. UNICEF Spokesperson Damien Personnaz noted that ill treatment, sexual abuse, torture of the children violate international law.