Radical Islamists still active in Hamburg

HAMBURG (AA) – Germany’s Hamburg State Protection of Constitution Department said that Islamists supporting violence were still actively working in the city, which provided militants to September 11 attacks.

Department’s deputy chairman Manfred Murck told DPA that although two years had passed since September 11 attacks, Islamists supporting violence were still active in Hamburg, but added that German officials were much more prepared now compared to two years ago.

The number of radical Islamists has not changed in years and remained in 1500, he said. Nearly 200 of them have militant views and some are even ready for fighting, Murck said.

Former terror cell in Hamburg that prepared September 11 attacks no more exists, but there are individuals with connections to this group, he said and added that new groups of radical Islamists are arising.

Hamburg’s Protection of Constitution Department has the goal of disclosing all militant Islamists, and preventing a new cell to emerge, he said. “The radical Islamists we’re watching have started acting very carefully. They do not speak clearly on the phone, but only make implications. There are nearly 100 mosques, tea houses and bookstores where they meet,” he said.

Murck said that nearly 100,000 Muslims lived in Hamburg, and the department acted cautiously for not offending city Muslims, but some Muslim groups are criticizing our policy.