Although our countries have frequently been at odds, we aren’t Russia’s enemy. Long ago Russia colonized central Asian Turkic countries and although other Western powers eventually abandoned these efforts, Russia stubbornly resisted after World War II, something we always opposed. However, we have long admired Russian culture, literature, music and dance.

In 1965, I wrote three pieces arguing that the Soviet empire and Yugoslavia would disintegrate before the century’s end, without any foreign intervention. At that time, the Russian ambassador to Turkey lodged a complaint against me. However, I also wrote and now reiterate that counting Russia out would be a mistake, since it can quickly bounce back and could even join the European Union before we do. Unfortunately, Russia has stressed its unhappiness with our support for Chechnya. But millions of our people have origins in the Caucasus so Russia should forgive us. In Turkey’s exports and tourism sector, Russia ranks number two, just behind Germany. Boosting our relations with Moscow would be very beneficial. In addition, we shouldn’t forget that Russia has a very respectful place in the eyes of European countries.”