Proper maintenance For Your Marble Tiles

These tiles does not only offers durability and functionality as a flooring tile, but it also helps in improving the aesthetic value of the room, making it the ideal flooring materials for any home. These tiles are known to be quite expensive, but the amount that you will pay is reasonable enough considering all the perks and advantages that you are getting when you use it as your flooring tile.

Marble is a natural stone that is considered to be very durable, giving it the characteristic of being able to withstand a certain amount of damage done to it. And with its hypoallergenic characteristics, it also eliminates the chances of germs and bacteria from surviving on its surface. But no matter how durable and hypoallergenic these tiles are, there is still a chance that they get damage and stained especially if they are not properly maintained. In order to make your marble tile’s beauty and shine, you need to make sure that you take care of them properly but of course it is always necessary to give the proper maintenance using the appropriate cleaning process and materials.

If you want to make it shiny and clean, proper maintenance is necessary. First, you need to know the right tools that you need to use to avoid damage on your tiles as well as keep it looking exquisite. It is important to avoid installing these tiles on a high-traffic areas of the house especially to those areas that can cause the most damage to your marble such as driveways, kitchen and other similar places of the house. But there are times that you cannot avoid installing these tiles on the these areas, which is why it is very important to properly maintain and clean your tiles in order to make it last longer.

One of the important reminder that you need to keep in mind is to avoid acidic substance such as vinegar, orange juice, tomato juice and other acidic liquids, since marble tiles are highly porous, it is easier for these tiles to get stained once these acidic liquid gets into the surface of the tiles. It is always necessary to use neutral pH cleaning solution when cleaning these marble tiles. You can also use mild soap and water when washing and cleaning your floor. If acidic substances spill on your marble tiles, you need to immediately clean the, up in order to avoid stains on its surface.

Keeping these simple reminders will help you to have clean and sophisticated flooring.

Ella Ayson
Marble Tiles

marble tiles
Marble Tiles