Powell “sympathetic” to TRNC hopes

Speaking after holding talks with US Secretary of State Colin Powell in New York, Talat said the US had prepared a technical and legal study on ending the isolation of the TRNC and international embargoes.
“We are not advocating recognition,” Talat said after the meeting in New York. “That is a political decision of a country. Our argument, our struggle, our request is for getting rid of our isolation.”
The Turkish Cypriot people should not be punished for the failure of the Greek Cypriots to approve the United Nations sponsored referendum on reunification, Talat said.
“The Turkish Cypriot people have fulfilled their duty by voting in favour of a solution in the referendum, he said. “Now it is the turn of the international community, which should fulfil its duties and responsibilities and lift the isolation of the TRNC and the embargo on Turkish Cypriots. I believe that also the international community has understood after these latest developments that this unfair isolation should be lifted. Actually, my meeting with Mr. Powell has proven it.”
During the meeting, Powell congratulated Talat for the strong support given by Turkish Cypriots to the proposed reunification, a senior State Department official told the AFP news agency. Washington planned to announce new measures to ease the isolation of the TRNC shortly, he said.
“We are reviewing with the European Union steps we can take to limit their isolation in view of how the Turkish Cypriots voted. We hope to be able to announce some ideas soon,” a State Department official said.