Powell: Northern Iraq cen not become independent

Asked about recent media reports saying that Washington might be moving towards allowing “autonomy” in northern Iraq, Powell had this to say: “[These] stories … I think, perhaps, overstated what our position is. Our position is to let the Iraqis work this out. It was the position of the United States from the very beginning of this crisis that it had to remain one single integrated country. How it organizes itself, recognizing the major constituencies in the nation, remains to be determined. We will work with the Iraqis, as they work their way through this challenging issue for them … But, clearly, the Kurds wish, in some way, to preserve their historic identity and to link it in some way to geography. But I think it’s absolutely clear that that part of Iraq [i.e., northern Iraq] must remain part of Iraq.” To a follow-up question about whether this process of Iraqi organization could be “managed without irritating or antagonizing Turkey,” Powell replied, “Well, we are not looking to irritate or antagonize anyone; certainly neither are the Iraqis. And as this plan develops … we’ll be in close consultation, not only with Turkey, but with … all the other neighbors in the region who have an interest as well.”