‘Please Do Not Touch the Growth’

Having prepared a presentation for the IMF Team, TIM stated that the production should be supported and asserted that IMF should not bring proposals on the basis of sectors.

IMF team with the chairmanship of IMF Turkey Desk chief Riza Moghadam met with the non-governmental organizations of the private sector in Istanbul. Riza Moghadam held his first meeting with TUSIAD.

TUSIAD Board of Directors Deputy Chairman Pekin Baran stated that at the meeting with IMF team, they mutually discussed the changes seen recently in Turkish economy. Baran said, "We said that we were satisfied with the greatness in growth rate despite the fall in inflation and this should continue. We conveyed our opinions to IMF in respect of the continuity of structural reforms for the term after this.

IMF also came together with TIM administrators. A group with the chairmanship of Oguz Satici attended from TIM. TIM directors made a presentation entitled "Towards New Program." At the presentation, while the developments in respect of foreign trade balance were mentioned, it was drawn attention to that the export’s ratio of meeting import decreased to 63.9% and it was not a positive sign.