PKK kills two in southeast Turkey

The attack in Batman province, some 1,000 kilometers southeast of the capital Ankara, came after rebels announced last week they were ending a unilateral cease-fire that they declared in 1999.

Reports said a police officer and another guard were killed in the attack at a building housing local government officials.

Batman Governor Efkan Ala said that two people had opened fire and a police officer, Savkan Yavuz, and a compound guard, Mehmet Ali Atilgan, were killed in the attack. He said the operation to catch the killers is continuing.

Meanwhile, a military truck in Tunceli was attacked injuring two soldiers. The soldiers were taken to Elazig State Hospital and a security operation was underway in the region, said reports.

Kurdish terrorists fought a 15-year guerrilla war for autonomy in the predominantly Kurdish southeast. They declared a truce in 1999 following the capture of guerrilla leader Abdullah Ocalan.