Perle says US-Turkey relations on right track

Perle had much criticized Turkey after its Parliament rejected a motion to send troops to Iraq, disappointing the American officials.

Perle, who is known as the architect of the war on Iraq, also advised the U.S. federal structure for Iraq’s restructuring process. He noted that a federal structure based on ethnicity or religion would be a huge mistake adding such a division would have dangerous outcomes.

Turkey is opposed to any federal structure in Iraq based on ethnic or religious divisions, for it fears such a structure giving enormous autonomy to Kurds in Iraq will rekindle seperatism among its own Kurdish people.

Speaking to a group of journalists in New York, Perle announced that he was writing a book called "An End to Evil" in which he suggested some radical changes in the U.S. state structure.

Claiming that State Department, Department of Defense and intelligence services in the U.S. should be re-regulated, Perle said coordination between these institutions should immediately be provided.

"The State Department and Department of Defense are talking in different languages. For instance, while the Department of Defense is displaying a harsh reaction against Syria and Iran, the Secretary of State pays official visit to Syria. Now, it’s time to reveal what in fact the foreign policy of the U.S. government is."

Perle said Washington should redefine its allies, adding Germany, Russia, France and Saudi Arabia should immediately be excluded from the U.S. list of allies.

Perle also claims the United Nations is no longer functional and that radical reforms should be enacted.