Parliamentary committee in Austria

Bas said Turkish citizens abroad should have full-citizen status. Although they arrived in Austria with the AKP deputies, Republican People’s Party (CHP) deputies boycotted the meetings to protest the participation of the National View Organization and because some of the meetings were held in mosques.

Bas, in a statement to the Anatolia news agency, said CHP deputy Memduh Hacioglu, who went to Berlin with the AKP deputies, returned to Turkey after receiving instructions from CHP acting-group chairman Haluk Koc. Bas said they held meetings in a range of places: mosques, associations, even pubs and discos to try to get in touch with Turkish citizens abroad.

The Turks in Vienna voiced their problems, complaining: "Obstacles to voting and to higher education should be lifted. Courses should be started to teach Turkish to second-generation Turkish youth. Religious affairs advisors should be appointed for every region in Austria, not just Vienna." The committee will prepare a report and submit it to Parliament on Dec. 15.

Bas and Yasar will return to Turkey Saturday after completing their talks with Turkish citizens in Austria.