Parliament to work overtime with EU on mind

The Turkish Parliament General Assembly will have the European Union in mind this week as it tries to pass the Criminal Enforcement Law and hold a session on EU membership before the crucial Dec. 17, EU summit, where the heads of state and governments of member states will decide whether to issue a date for Turkey to start membership negotiations.
The General Assembly will meet at 10 a.m. on Monday to begin its deliberations on the Criminal Enforcement Law. The session will last until the assembly approves the entire bill. The European Commission progress report on Turkey, released in early October, had asked Turkey to pass the law before the summit.

On Tuesday, the opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP) proposal to hold a debate on the EU will be discussed, before Foreign Minister Abdullah Gül briefs the assembly on Turkey’s EU progress.

The Turkish Waste Prevention Foundation and Başkent University will hold a symposium in Parliament on waste prevention.
Parliamentary Speaker Bülent Arınç, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, CHP leader Deniz Baykal, ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) deputy and Waste Prevention Foundation Delegation President Aziz Akgül, Ankara Chamber of Commerce President Sinan Aygün, Bilkent University Academic Professor Ümit Berkman, Middle East technical University (METU) Academic Professor Hakan Ercan and Başkent University Academic Professor Tamer Müftüoğlu will address the gathering.