Papadopulous Seeks Dialogue with Ankara

The French news agency, Agence France Press (AFP) reported that Papadopulous, who met Greek Prime Minister Kostas Karamanlis in Southern Cyprus, said yesterday, "I want to announce that we have sent a message to the neighboring Turkish government to inform them of our readiness for dialogue." According to the news, Papadopulous went on: "In the message, we determined how we perceive the development of relations between Greek Cyprus and Turkey until Turkey’s accession to EU before and after December 17, and how we see a collective peaceful future with EU members." Karamanlis and Papadopulous added that Athens and Nicosia supported Ankara’s membership process of European Union (EU), but that Turkey had to fulfill its obligations towards the EU and Cyprus as a candidate state. Meanwhile, the Alithia newspaper

wrote that following the approval of Ercan Airport by American Airlines, the company will fly to Ercan for Istanbul transfers. The Fileleftheros newspaper reported that the US increased the code of Ercan Airport.