Papadopulos: Let Your Conscience Be Your Guide

Speaking in Limassol, Papadopoulos said that from the first day the border between northern and southern Cyprus was opened by a TRNC Cabinet decision, they had called on Greek Cypriots crossing into the Turkish north to refuse to show their passports. He added that free-passage defenders, who said the government was not providing guidance, were seeking a pretext for their own actions.

"As long as [TRNC President Rauf] Denktas prohibits people from staying in private homes and at other designated places, he cannot talk about a broadening of freedom of movement. From the first day of this free passage, the government called on Greek Cypriots to refrain from actions – such as showing their passports — that would strengthen Turkish desires, such as a separate state for Denktas and gaining respect for it."

Foreign News Services / Istanbul / TURKEY