
Palestinian factions reject international or Arab forces entering Gaza, considering them ‘occupying force’

GAZA CITY, Palestine 

Palestinian factions on Saturday rejected any international or Arab force entering the Gaza Strip, warning that it would be considered an “occupying force” and “will be dealt with accordingly.”

The warning was issued in a statement issued by the Palestinian resistance group Hamas after a meeting of the Follow-up Committee for National and Islamic Forces, which included the majority of Palestinian factions, on the occasion of the 48th anniversary of the March 30 Palestinian Land Day.

The statement was also issued in response to Israeli media reports on Friday, which claimed that Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant informed Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of “progress” in talks with the US over a proposal to deploy a multinational force in Gaza.

Nevertheless, the committee said in its statement: “The talk by the (Israeli) occupation leaders about forming an international or Arab force for the Gaza Strip is mere illusions, and any force entering Gaza is rejected and unacceptable, considered an occupying force and we will deal with it accordingly.”

Palestinian factions praised Arab countries for rejecting participation and cooperation with the “occupation leaders” proposal to form the force.

The factions emphasized that “managing the Palestinian reality is a Palestinian national issue that we will not allow anyone to interfere with.”

They considered that “all attempts to create alternative administrations that contradict the will of the Palestinian people will die before they are born and will not succeed because the people who rewrote history with their blood and steadfastness cannot be occupied or have their will usurped by any force on earth.”

The committee urged the Palestinians, Arab and Islamic nations, and freedom-loving people worldwide to engage in “direct and indirect confrontation with the occupation and its supporters in all countries, capitals, cities, squares, and fronts.”

On the anniversary of Land Day, Palestinian factions said on this occasion, that they affirm that “Palestinian blood will remain a living witness on the land of Palestine and our just cause, as well as our adherence to our rights in it.”

On Friday, Israeli media claimed that Defense Minister Gallant informed Prime Minister Netanyahu of “progress” in talks with the US about deploying a multinational force in the Gaza Strip.

The Israeli Channel 12 reported that Gallant “held talks with American officials during his visit to Washington days ago regarding the formation of a multinational force to be responsible for the security of the region, the entry of humanitarian aid, and its distribution.”

The channel claimed that these talks resulted in “progress” without specifying it, and that “elements of this force will be from three Arab countries,” but did not name them.
It added that it is not yet certain whether this force will include American soldiers or not.

Israel has waged a deadly military offensive on Gaza since an Oct. 7 cross-border attack led by Hamas in which nearly 1,200 Israelis were killed.

More than 32,700 Palestinians, mostly women and children, have since been killed in Gaza, in addition to mass destruction, displacement and famine conditions.

Israel is accused of genocide at the International Court of Justice (ICJ). An interim ruling in January ordered Tel Aviv to stop genocidal acts and take measures to guarantee that humanitarian assistance is provided to civilians in Gaza.

*Writing by Rania Abu Shamala

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