Palestine’s Shrines…Open Wound In Nakba Day

On May 4, an Israeli farmer annexed the two-storey, 340-square-meter worshiping place and turned it into a stable for his cows.
His friends destroyed part of the pulpit and detached the mosque’s date-stone, which bore its ancient inscriptions, and tarnished its inside and outside walls written in Hebrew.

On day later, unknown people exhumed the bones buried in Raslan mausoleum, north of Tiberius.

Having the green light from their government, Israeli bulldozers further piled up sand and building material inside the Islamic Tira Al-Karmal tomb in the city of Tira, now under the Israeli yoke.

It is believed that the Israelis intend to carve out a road running through the historic tomb.

The Israeli government also plans to build a museum on the tomb of Ma’man Allah in western occupied Jerusalem.

It said last month that the building would be inaugurated in the presence of California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger.

The tomb is the biggest and oldest in the occupied city, stretching on 200,000 square kilometers.

Many companions of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) are buried in the tomb.

Add to that, Al-Farouqi mosque, in Bisan, was set ablaze, the tombs of Igzam were bulldozed to build apartment blocks instead and a pornographic movie was shot in the esplanade of Al-Ahmar mosque in the city of Safad.

History Falsified

Israel has also obliterated any Arab or Islamic character of the Palestinian villages to falsify history and distort facts.

The village of Om Al-Zinat in Haifa is a case in point. Its sole mosque was reduced to rubble.

Israelis also turned a grand mosque in Bisan to a museum, and only the minaret was left from Al-Suwika’s mosque, which faded away into the new streets and buildings of the Jewish city of Safad.

The mosque was one of many Palestinian shrines, which included seven tombs and 14 mausoleums. Now, the area was obscured by new Israeli sprawling cement blocks.

Hittin Mosque, which stands witness to the battle of Hittin led by Arab leader Saladin in 1187, is still stifled with iron chains.

A mosque in Al-Khalil (Hebron) was also completely destroyed and another was shut down before Palestinian worshippers.

Last month, the ASRIS warned in a report that an Israeli plan called "Tamam-6" was aimed at obliterating the Islamic and Arab character of Palestinian villages occupied in 1948 by marking out mosques, tombs and historical sites.

The scheme will see new parks, bridges, roads and sewerage system running deep into many Islamic and Arab historical sites.

On April 18, 1948 , Palestinian Tiberius was captured by Menachem Begin’s Irgun group, putting its 5,500 Palestinian residents in flight. On April 22, Haifa fell to the Jewish mobs and 70,000 Palestinians fled.

Irgun began bombarding civilian sectors of the Palestinian city of Jaffa – the largest city in Palestine at that time – on April 25, terrifying the 750,000 inhabitants into panicky flight.

On May 14, the day before the creation of Israel on the rubble of Palestine and bodies of the Palestinians, Jaffa completely surrendered to the much better-equipped Jewish gangs and only about 4,500 of its population remained.

Days before the 12,000 Palestinians of Safed were routed and Beisan, with 6,000 Palestinians, fell.

In 1967, approximately 200,000 Palestinians fled their homes in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip when Israel launched a war against Jordan , Syria and Egypt, capturing and occupying the West Bank , including Al-Quds and the Gaza Strip (the Occupied Palestinian Territories).