Ozkok: Turkish Armed Forces In Northern Iraq

Upon a question on military Turkish existence in Northern Iraq, Ozkok said, ”TSK has some elements there. Barzani and Talabani know that. But, there have been tanks there for a long time. They had some missions. Those are exaggerated. We feel sad about it. Since it also decreases our activity.”
When asked if the number of elements could be increased in case of a possible U.S. operation against Iraq, Ozkok said, ”it depends on conjuncture in that time. We have no very big forces there. How will our parliament decide on that? It depends on politic instructions.”
Ozkok who learnt THY plane crash en route from Istanbul to Diyarbakir province after the reception said, ”I felt deep sorrow over this accident. I gave orders to officials to extend every kind of aid related to the accident. I offer condolences to families of the people who died in the crash.”
When a reporter said, ”do you think that a psychological effect has been created on Turkey when an operation against Iraq is getting closer, Ozkok said, ”When the United States has started such an incident, it starts its activities before two or three years. It makes writers write articles and books. It makes psychological actions through media establishments.”
Ozkok said that TSK was in a very good condition with respect to many aspects and added that even participation in a planning activity was envied.