Opposites of Ilham Aliyev gather in mass meeting

As many as 4 thousands of protestors chanting slogans as saying "Ilham Aliyev Türkiye saatiyle 15.00’da baslayan ve 17.00’da sona eren, 4 bin kisinin katildigi eylemde, "Ilham Aliyev resign!" Demonstrators also demanded more detailed information about the health situation of Haidar Aliyev who is currently in treatment in Ameica.
The leader of AHPC, Ali Kerimov, said in his speech, "Those ones cannot oppose us in democratic elections. We have no work to do with Haidar Aliyev because he is only a spirit. We trust on nation. Azeri people know they have been deceiving for years, so that they know also which party they should give vote for. Present government should resign."
MP leader Isa Kamber speeched, "Administration of Azerbaijan cannot change hands many times in a family. It is too wrong that the Prime Minister is assigned by instructions of someone. We oppose them. They should resign and withdrawl from political power."