
One out of every five in Türkiye is combating obesity

Obesity is emerging as a growing health concern worldwide. Data from the Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat) reveals that 20% of individuals in Türkiye grapple with obesity.

Associate professor Dr. Bilal Toka, a gastroenterology specialist at Medicana Konya Hospital, explained that obesity is defined as having an excessively high body weight, particularly in terms of fat content. This condition can negatively impact health in various ways.

Dr. Toka emphasized that the primary approach to treating obesity should involve lifestyle changes supported by diet and exercise. However, in cases where weight loss through these methods is insufficient, medical interventions such as medications, endoscopic procedures or surgery may be necessary.

He also pointed out that sedentary lifestyles and the overconsumption of processed foods are contributing factors to the rising rates of obesity. This highlights the multifaceted health risks associated with this condition.

‘Calorie intake should match expenditure’

Nutrition, a process that begins in the womb and continues throughout life, holds great significance. Dr. Toka emphasized the importance of adequate and balanced nutrition for healthy growth and development in children.

For adults, he notes that daily calorie intake should not exceed the amount needed based on age, gender, occupation, genetic traits and health status. Maintaining a balance between calorie intake and expenditure is crucial for a healthy lifestyle, said Dr. Toka, as excessive calorie consumption or low-calorie diets can lead to fat storage and obesity-related issues.

Effective management and treatment of obesity are crucial for individual and public health. He pointed out that obesity can lead to various other health issues.

Symptoms such as sleep disorders, excessive sweating, breathing difficulties, snoring, fatigue, leg swelling, menstrual irregularities, sexual dysfunction, back pain, reflux, bloating and constipation may be observed in obese individuals.

Additionally, obesity is a significant factor in the development of serious diseases like cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes, certain types of cancer, hypertension, depression, fatty liver and cirrhosis.

Which means excessive calorie intake is linked to chronic diseases.

Türkiye among top in obesity

According to the 2024 data from the World Health Organization (WHO), Türkiye holds the unenviable position of being the most obese country in Europe with a rate of 66.8%. Highlighting the need for these statistics to change for a healthy society, Dr. Toka stated, “The first option in treating obesity should always be a lifestyle change supported by diet and exercise.”

For patients who cannot achieve sufficient weight loss through diet and exercise, medications, and endoscopic and surgical treatments can be applied.

He emphasized the significant advancements in technology in recent years that have provided great convenience in the management and treatment of obesity through endoscopic procedures. He explained that endoscopic treatments are becoming increasingly popular due to their less invasive nature and lower risks.

These treatments include majorly gastric botox, gastric balloon and endoscopic sutures applied in gastroplasty procedures. The most commonly performed endoscopic treatment is the gastric balloon method. In this procedure, an inflatable balloon inserted into the stomach through an endoscope increases stomach volume and enhances the feeling of fullness.

As a result, individuals eat less and begin to lose weight. The gastric balloon treatment offers some advantages as it is not a surgical procedure. Patients can continue their normal daily activities until the balloon is removed. Additionally, the gastric balloon can improve or control certain health issues related to obesity, such as obesity-related diabetes.

Endoscopic gastroplasties are emerging as a significant alternative to surgical treatments, involving reducing stomach volume endoscopically with sutures, without surgery. Surgical treatment options include various stomach and intestinal surgeries such as gastric bypass and sleeve gastrectomy. These surgeries are preferred for severely obese patients due to their permanent changes in the digestive system.

Determining the most suitable treatment option for each patient is crucial, and personalized treatment choices under the supervision of an experienced physician are of utmost importance.

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