One Ahmed Yassin Dead, 15 Born

Palestinian mothers have given birth to eight Ahmad Yassins in Al-Shifaa hospital in Gaza City over the past 48 hours alone and seven others were registered in hospitals across the Gaza Strip, hospital sources told Wednesday, March 24.

The deputy director of Al-Shifaa hospital’s obstetrics department, Dr. Akram Al-Husseini, said five babies were given the name of Sheikh Yassin the day after his assassination.

The 66-year-old wheelchair-bound Yassin was assassinated along with eight others in an Israeli missile strike on his way home after performing the dawn prayers.

“Even pregnant women are praying to have baby boys to name them after Ahmad Yassin,” he said.

Al-Husseini added that a Palestinian mother, Noha Yassin, was the first to give her baby the name just 30 minutes after the ugly Israeli crime.

The father, Jabr Yassin, told IOL he is proud to name his baby after the slain resistance figure.

“Sheikh Yassin is a symbol of Palestine and I take pride in naming my baby after him…It’s indeed a source of pride for all Muslims,” the jubilant father added.