Not a Single Troop from Cyprus

Visiting the Turkish Republic of northern Cyprus, General Buyukanit said after his half-an-hour meeting with Denktas that "How this peace will materialize is important because things that seem to be permanent now might change the next day. As a soldier, for the security of Turkish Cypriots, we are maintaining our troops in Cyprus, according to the agreements made on the issue. Unless a definite and permanent solution is found, we shall not pull out a single troops from this place."

On his part, President Denktas said that "I am thanking to you. Against the fight that is launched to remove our independence, we are trying to maintain our independence, with the support of our homeland."

Recalling that Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan had said that "We shall not recognize the Greek Cypriot Republic and the Greek Cypriot administration at this shape", Denktas said that "We deem this to be a national promise."