No Sign of Progress in Powell Mideast Talks

Powell planned consultations with envoys of Washington’s partners in the peacemaking Quartet — the United Nations, European Union and Russia — in Jerusalem on Monday morning before leaving for Cairo, a U.S. official told reporters.

Expectations for a breakthrough had been low because of the gulf of mistrust between the two sides, sharp differences on key issues and skepticism about U.S. commitment.

But after failing to narrow Israel-Palestinian differences, Powell said both sides had pledged to seek an end to hostilities.

"Nobody should underestimate the challenges ahead," he said at a joint news conference with Abbas in the West Bank town of Jericho. "Let’s not waste another day."

Powell called on the revamped Palestinian government to move quickly to disarm Palestinian fighters. But Sharon said the Palestinians could expect nothing more than modest humanitarian gestures from Israel until Abbas’s government cracked down on ‘militants’ spearheading an uprising.

Powell said Abbas "made clear to me today he understands the importance of ending ‘terrorism’." But the Palestinian premier made no public commitment other than reiterating his opposition to the use of violence "by any party."

Abbas instead chided Israel for withholding its full acceptance of the road map and called for troop pullbacks from Palestinian cities which Israeli forces occupied or blockaded in the past year following a spate of bombing attacks.