Newsweek: Erdogan-Karamanlis to usher in new era?

The article written by Owen Matthews characterized the two as the "Europe’s odd couple" with Erdogan being "a devout Muslim with a background in political Islam and his Greek counterpart Karamanlis, an Orthodox Christian from Greece’s traditionally anti-Turkish right."

The article underlined Karamanlis’ attendance at the wedding of Erdogan’s daughter in Istanbul as the chief witness in July and Erdogan’s visit to Athens for the opening of the Olympic Games in Athens as Karamanlis’ honored guest. It was also noted that there were rumors that Karamanlis would be making a return visit in September to stay at Erdogan’s Black Sea summer house.

"They joke around like Gorby and Reagan," says a Western diplomat who has witnessed the chemistry first hand, according to the article.

Friendship to contribute to settlement?
"Could they produce a similar thawing in one of Europe’s historically frostiest relationships?," asked the article.

According to the article, for Erdogan’s part forging close relations with Greece is very advantageous as Turkey is hoping to start accession talks with the European Union.

For Karamanlis, the article said, "Karamanlis thinks burying the hatchet with Turkey will bring economic benefits to the whole Eastern Mediterranean. "A European Turkey is in everyone’s best interests," he says.

The article emphasized similarities between Erdogan and Karamanlis by saying, "Erdogan and Karamanlis are both center rightists, they’re young (Karamanlis is 47, Erdogan, 50) and both have effected political revolutions; Karamanlis overturned the 23-year dominance of Greece’s socialists in a surprise election victory in March; Erdogan overcame widespread suspicion of his Islamist-based party to sweep away Turkey’s old political class in 2001."

"They share a vision of a united Europe that supercedes the prejudices of the older generation," the article added.

According to the article these similarities between the two leaders’ have already been translated into concrete actions.

"In April, when Greek and Turkish Cypriots voted in a referendum on reunification, Karamanlis tried to persuade the Greek Cypriots to vote yes. He failed-but his efforts were telling," said the article.

The two leaders may try to translate their friendship into an amicable resolution of long-running disputes about territorial waters and airspace in the Aegean, it said.

The true test of friendship
The article mentioned the difficulties waiting Karamanlis on his way to support Turkey.

"Meanwhile, back in April the EU promised Turkish Cyprus a partial lifting of an economic embargo if it voted to reunify with its Greek neighbors. The Turkish Cypriots fulfilled their part of the bargain but now Greek Cyprus, a full-fledged member of the EU since May, has threatened to block a 259 million euro aid package and the reopening of direct flights to airports in the north," the article said.

While stating that Athens could be "the key to persuading its Cypriot cousins to drop their veto plans," the article added that the situation put "Karamanlis in a tricky position, because his pro-Turkish stance isn’t shared by many in Greece."

"Will he risk strife at home to protect the interests of his new buddy Erdogan?" the article asked. "That’ll be the true test of their friendship."