New York Rendezvous for Cyprus Starts in Good Spirit

Annan’s announcement that revisions would be made to the plan eased tension among the leaders and they did not create any problems about individual meetings. Observing Annan’s flexibility, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) President, Rauf Denktas, withdrew a letter of objection about the Annan plan intended to be submitted to the Secretary-General.

Annan met with Papadopoulos at 22:30 Turkish time and Denktas at 22:55, then both parties came together under the leadership of Annan at 23:35. Annan’s Special Envoy, Alvaro De Soto, participated in the meeting as well. He revealed that the first meeting was positive and constructive and, after necessary evaluations are conducted, the meeting will resume today at the same hour. De Soto did not submit any more details. TRNC Prime Minister, Mehmet Ali Talat, Foreign Minister, Serdar Denktas, and Foreign Ministry Undersecretary, Ergun Olgun, participated in the first meeting along with Denktas. Greek-Cypriot delegation leader, Tasos Papadapoulos, and former leader, Glafkos Klerides, attended the meeting as well.

Describing yesterday as ‘Cyprus Day’, Annan’s Spokesman, Fred Eckhard, said the guarantor countries of Turkey, England and Greece have representatives ready outside of the meeting room in case they are needed.

Meanwhile, TRNC leaders and Turkish Foreign Ministry Undersecretary, Ugur Ziyal, Deputy Undersecretary, Deniz Bolukbasi, and Cyprus Department Head, Ertugrul Apakan, held a preliminary evaluation meeting.

Annan said yesterday before the meeting that the Annan plan is open for revisions. Reportedly, he said revision demands will be evaluated with an open mind if both parties agree on the revisions. Reportedly, Annan briefed U.N. Security Council members on developments on the Cyprus and Iraq issues. After the Security Council meeting, in a statement to reporters, Annan revealed that the plan is on the table and he will not get into details before the negotiations.

De Soto conveyed Annan’s invitation for a meeting to Denktas. In a surprise visit to Denktas at the Turk Evi (Turk House) the other evening, De Soto stated he had high hopes for the meeting. He uttered that the Secretary-General expects negotiations to continue on the Island. Denktas responded that a three-party meeting would be a good opportunity. De Soto held an hour long pre-talk with Greek-Cypriot Leader Papadopoulos, as well.