Moscow Takes Historical Step: Lavrov Meets Talat

In a speech at the OIC meeting on Wednesday, Lavrov said that Russia wants to establish dialogue nd practical cooperation with the Islamic world. "We want to establish an Islam University in Moscow," said Lavrov. Afterwards, he met with Talat and TRNC Foreign Minister, Serdar Denktas. Talat described the 45-minute meeting at the Swiss Hotel as a ‘hint of change in traditional Russian policy thought.’

Russia has been remaining at a distance from the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC). Mehmet Ali Talat, the TRNC Prime Minister, emphasized that the latest developments in Cyprus brought Russia to re-evaluate the situation, as did the rest of the world’s nations. "They express determination about the removal of economic isolation [on TRNC] and accept that this will facilitate solution," added Talat.

Elsewhere, Pakistan reportedly opposes Russia’s participation in the OIC as an ‘observing member.’ Diplomatic sources told Zaman that according to Pakistan, Russia wants to be involved in the Organization because of its Muslim population and that could set an example for India, which is of concern to the Pakistanis.