More U.S. Casualties

"A grenade was hurled at the police station at 10:30 pm (1830 GMT) and a U.S. soldier was injured," said Mohammed Jawad.

Although the Americans and the police officer gave different times for the event, it seemed likely they were talking of the same attack, as it was the only reported incident at the station late Sunday.

Meanwhile, the U.S. military’s Central Command said Sunday an American soldier in Iraq with the 2nd Armored Cavalry Regiment was found dead in the regiment’s barracks.

"The soldier was taken to the unit medical facilities, but could not be resuscitated," it said in a statement, adding that the cause of death was unknown.

At least 57 U.S. soldiers have been killed in resistance attacks, while another 60 have now died in non-combat incidents since the White House declared major combat operations in Iraq over on May 1.