More Than 16,000 Greek Cypriots Pass To T.R.N.C. On Sunday

Greek Cypriot administration does not allow TRNC citizens to use their cars by not recognizing their driver licenses.
But the administration is expected to allow TRNC citizens to pass to Greek Cypriot side by their cars in this week. Meanwhile, religious ceremony which was earlier announced to be held on Sunday in Apostopol Andreas Monastery in Dipkarpaz to where Greek Cypriot people went for Easter holiday was not held, since Greek Cypriot church warned Greek Cypriot people not to hold ceremony in regions under ”occupation.” Greek Cypriot people only visited the monastery and prayed.

Officials said that a religious ceremony was held in another church in Dipkarpaz and stated that about 60 Greek Cypriot people attended the ceremony.

(EÖ-AÖ) 28.04.2003