‘Mohammed Ali, we will meet in Jerusalem’

At first, he was treated like a simple terrorist. However, he waged such an effective resistance and forced the issue to the top the global agenda in such a way that soon he became its undisputed leader. If it wasn’t for his unifying force and organizational expertise, the Palestinian issue would not have become what it is today.

He was thrown off his lands, was exiled many times, escaped several assassination attempts and overcame many intrigues. He showed an incredible will to resist Israel. He ignored the fact that most Arab leaders had stabbed him in the back.

Eventually, as an internationally recognized head of state, he became a "concept," as Cengiz Candar used to say. He no longer was just a leader or a nation’s hero, but a symbol and a flag.

For the 32.gun (32nd Day) news program, I got the opportunity to interview him many times. One occasion was in Tunisia and another in Egypt. We later met in Palestine, and we have drunk tea together in Ankara and Washington.

At those times, I felt like I was speaking with a sincere friend, not a person who led a national uprising or an individual whose life was filled with fire and gunpowder.

Once, and I’ll never forget it, tears filled his eyes at the end of an interview. Behind him was a large photo of the AL Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem. He said: "Look, Mohammed Ali, one day we will met there and have an interview at that holy place. And the world will be watching us."

Unfortunately, this prediction of his never materialized. No one will be able to fill Arafat’s shoes. Actually, there is no reason why they should. The Palestinian issue has changed — together with the Palestinian people. The matter is transformed. As the Arafat period neared its end, many people claimed that he was an obstacle to peace. Those coming from the lower echelons of power were forcing him out.

Still, despite everything that happened and with Arafat withdrawing from the scene, a clash for power among Palestinians is unavoidable.

Palestinians lost their spiritual father.

A symbol has gone.

Introduction of the YTL is good news
We may not realize how important and what a glorious occasion the introduction of the New Turkish Lira (YTL) is, but soon we will be welcoming the end of the high-inflation years and realize how vital it is.

The issue is not simply limited to striking off six zeros from the currency. Inflation will have to be carefully controlled and most importantly the state needs to decrease its spending.

This government’s attitude shows that they are serious in their efforts to control inflation.

We must all welcome the YTL.

We will be celebrating the introduction of the YTL as the end of the inflation disease our nation has suffered for decades.