"Ministry of three DP ministers not valid"

The Attorney General noted that the ministry of the three persons who were appointed by DP to the coalition government was not valid.

Sait noted that he conveyed his view to TRNC President Rauf Denktas last night and to CTP leader and Prime Minister Mehmet Ali Talat and DP leader and Deputy Prime Minister Serdar Denktas this morning.

Sait didn’t give information about the content of his view.

In line with the negative view of the Attorney General, Economy and Tourism Minister Ayse Donmezer, Labour and Social Security Minister Erkan Emekci and Agriculture and Forestry Minister Rasit Pertev have to be dismissed and new appointments should be made.

National Unity Party (UBP) rejected the ministry of Donmezer, Emekci and Pertev who are from TRNC, but who live outside TRNC, noting that they didn’t abide by the rule of residing in TRNC for three years continuously.

Upon questions about the issue, TRNC Prime Minister Talat said that there would be no problem in changing the cabinet list if necessary.

Talat noted that DP could show new ministers in case of a negative situation and he would appoint them, adding that changing the cabinet list until getting the vote of confidence would not cause any problem. Talat said that the government was formed and it was in full charge, noting that if necessary proxies would be appointed for the mentioned ministries until new ministers would be appointed.

Upon question, Talat said that "the government has been formed, the decree has been published. According to the Constitution, President has to approve the appointment of the government. After this approval, even if it is not published in the Official Gazette, that cabinet is in full charge. There is no problem about the appointment of the government."