Miller: Turn This Place into Guantanamo

According to the Washington Post, Kapinski confirms statements included in a special appendix of the report prepared about the torture carried out by U.S. soldiers and civilians at Abu Ghraib. She said the U.S. Department of Defense was not satisfied with the information about the Iraqi captives and appointed Miller to the position in Iraq by the decision of high-ranking officials. Miller on the other hand, in a statement via a military spokesperson, said that he does not recall mentioning anything about ‘Guantanamotization’.

Karpinski also said that Sanchez issued a directive to loosen up the operational rules of the Army in November 2003 to give the guards the power to use excessive force in case of turmoil. Karpinski, who is under investigation and was given a ‘warning’, said that the decision was implemented despite her objections.

Meanwhile, American Corps General William Boykin, who is also under investigation because of his anti-Islamic remarks, including ‘My God is superior to the God of Muslims’, reportedly suggested various interrogation techniques to Pentagon officials. Boykin had even suggested that high-level permission be granted for sexual and physical abuse in order to obtain more information from the Iraqi captives.