Market For Miami Condos Still Improving Thanks To The Interest Of International Property Buyers

But aside from making up for as much as 80 percent of property buyers within Miami, there have even been those who have gone as far as setting the stage for a series of real estate developments that would provide the property market with additional room to accommodate to the growing demand, especially when it comes to condo properties which are among the most highly sought after property options within the region.

The family-owned company of Grupo Melo from Argentina is definitely in the lead when it comes to international property buyers who have put their foot down as far as reaching out for their goals despite doing so during a time when almost everyone else had lost hope in the market for Miami condos.

Nevertheless, the timing seems to be just right as the development project that would bring forth the 18-story infrastructure which is now known as 23 Biscayne Bay is one of the newest Miami condos which will benefit from the high demand for these types of property options, especially now that the market inventory has been ever so quickly absorbed.

The interesting thing about the 23 Biscayne Bay is the fact that it has already sold out! Pretty impressive for a development that has barely even reached completion, right? If you were to the hit the rewind button and go back to the time when the development of the 23 Biscayne Bay had first began, people were in a state of sheer disbelief since it seemed absolutely radical for anyone to consider such a move during a point in time when the market for Miami condos seemed to be going nowhere.

But the fact that the majority of the property buyers who have been keen on available Miami condos have been people who are more than willing to place more than half of the total price of their most preferred options has definitely made remarkable changes as far as overall market conditions are concerned, and even more so when it is done in cash, which many of them prefer to do.

Joan Vonnegut
Miami Condos

Miami condos
Miami Condos