Marble Tiles – Where Its Originated

These tiles has been used in building the courtyard of Caesar and in the palaces of the Renaissance of Europe the Greek Parthenon is built in the honor of the Goddess Athena is made up of marble stone too. During this time the Romans follow the Greeks in their use of marble tiles for building the floor structures of all their gods. The popular Taj Mahal is also made up with white marble in honor of the departed pride of the noble man and much more historical structures to mention.

Today marble tiles are usually used for residential applications especially in the bathroom area, kitchen area, hallways and foyers. But these tiles are also being used for commercial applications. These tiles have been proven for its quality for the different artistic style and elegance that it brings. In addition to this, these tiles has a stood a good reputation when it comes to durability as decorative material.

The good reputation of the marble tiles has endured for thousands of year. It also plays a big role in making fine arts. It is also known for its versatility in the construction and building of monuments or other sculptures. People believe that once these marble tiles are used in any applications such as commercial, residential, monuments or sculptures, it meant to last. Nowadays there is a great demand on these tiles especially to different applications in any projects.

Maybe there are some people who are wondering where marble originated. Actually marble stones belong to the family of limestone. It has undergone many development processes while it is deep under the earth over millions of years. It is also considered as metamorphic rocks. This means that it is subject with tremendous heat and pressure. Then it goes on a long process, which changes the rock from limestone to a marble.

After the entire process, the marble stone is taken in a quarry to become a tile. In the quarry thee marble are being removed in big chunks and being cut. Then it is moved to the nearby mill where it is sawn to size. The process of marble tile undergone an organize process from grouping large marble tiles together and smaller tiles together. Marble tiles are made from natural materials which come in variety of colors. Then lastly these tiles are being polished and make sure that there are no faults.

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Marble Tiles

marble tiles
Marble Tiles