Mann: US supports Turkey becoming energy hub

Mann met with Energy Minister Hilmi Guler and held a press conference after a one-hour meeting. Mann said that they had discussed the progress made in the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan (BTC) pipeline and Shah Sea projects.

Mann said that both countries had common interests and opinions about utilizing the natural resources located in the Caspian Seabed.

Guler, speaking at the press conference, said that he had briefed the ambassador on Turkey’s plans on becoming a regional energy distribution center, adding that discussions between the countries would continue.

Answering journalists questions, Mann dismissed reports appearing in foreign newspapers about Russia trying to sabotage the BTC pipeline project and added that he did not fear that the political developments in Georgia would affect the project. He noted that all political parties in Georgia supported the east to west energy corridor.

When told about the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (KKTC) Deputy Prime Minister Serdar Denktas’s statement claiming that there were oil deposits on Cyprus, Mann said it was the first time he had heard such an assertion and declined to comment.

Mann said usually the U.S. wanted the private sector to take the initiative in such issues.