Lycos asks Ask Jeeves for Search results: approved

Lycos has made a deal with Ask Jeeves: Lycos search results will have the database provided by Ask.

Early this morning, Lycos listed Ask Jeeves results, which replaces listings generated by Norway’s FAST Search and Transfer Company. It is clear that Ask and Lycos are struggling to compete in a sector dominated by the powerhouses Google, Yahoo and MSN.

Many believe Ask Jeeves as the fourth most important search engine, which has quality results and innovative paid-ad system. Ask Jeeves is growing and looking to gain share-market more in the coming two quarters.

It looks as if Lycos has decided to re-build itself completely. Until yesterday, its search results comprised FAST and Looksmart. And last week, Lycos had announced another deal about combining the databases of four well-known online dating sites. This was a part of Lycos’s growth upgrade. And it is clear that the deal with Ask Jeeves will make Lycos more credible and a good challenge before its rivals!

Troy McKirk
Search Engine Optimization Expert

Search Engine Optimization Company