
Locals vow to keep fighting to save a forest in southwest Turkey after the chainsaws finish work

ISTANBUL (AP) — Campaigners fighting to protect woodlands earmarked for coal-mining in southwest Turkey on Monday pledged to maintain their fight as tree-felling came to an end.

Locals have held a four-year vigil in Akbelen forest to hold off logging that paves the way for a lignite mine near the village of Ikizkoy in Mugla province.

Chainsaw teams that arrived to start felling trees a week ago have now finished their work, following violent confrontations between police dispatched to guard the operation and residents.

“They massacred our forest,” Nejla Isik, from the Ikizkoy Environment Committee, said at a meeting with lawyers reported by the Duvar newspaper.

“They destroyed our trees, which we have been protecting for four years, in eight days. As residents of Ikizkoy, we do not break our promise until the end. We will fight to the last drop.”

The protest at Akbelen is the latest stand-off in Turkey between environmentalists and developers uprooting green areas for mines, quarries and other projects.

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