Let Britain remove Visas to Turkish Cypriots!

In a written statement, UBP leader Eroglu criticized the Cyprus policy of Britain, saying that "Britain has evaded its responsibility in Cyprus and threw the ball to the EU court and let the issue of ending the isolation of Turkish Cypriots, pending."

Eroglu said about the Ankara visit of British PM Tony Blair that "His visit is a maneuver to throw the ball to the EU court in removing the isolation and embargoes imposed on Turkish Cypriots and to maintain the existing relations with the Greek Cypriot side."

Eroglu said that Britain was strong enough to take steps alone, to remove the isolation of Turkish Cypriots and should therefore take these steps. "Such a step will be perceived as a good-willed gesture by our people and lessen their anger to Britain" he said.

Britain is one of the guarantors over Cyprus, along with Turkey and Greece.