
Last week’s rains in Spain fail to stop drought


The short-term heavy rains that started in mid-May in Spain were not enough to solve the country’s drought problem.

In Spain, which has been facing one of the driest periods in its history, rains over the last three weeks raised the water levels in dams and ponds somewhat, but fell short of alleviating the drought problem.

The city of Cordoba, located in the Spain’s southern Andalusia region, continued to stand out as one of the driest areas.

According to official data, water reserves in the city are at only 18%, and the last rains left about 5 cubic meters (177 cubic feet) of water in the reserves.

The fact that the water reserves in Cordoba were at a 22% in the same period last year and at an average of 61% over the last 10 years shows the extent of the current drought crisis more clearly.

Experts said the short-term heavy rains seen recently fail to provide almost any surface flow in dried streams and riverbeds, and this precipitation only helps refill groundwater, to save crops in general and re-sprout grass.

While measures against drought continue in the region, about 80,000 Cordobans are still struggling with the problem of water shortages in their homes.

In the Fuente Obejuna district, 8 kilometers (about 5 miles) outside of Cordoba, the people try to meet their daily drinking water needs by putting water brought by the municipality with tankers into cans.

Cordoba Municipality waterworks employee Maria told Anadolu: “The drought problem here isn’t new. It’s been around for several years.”

Ivan, the driver of the city water tanker, said: “We’re going to places where there’s a water shortage in the region. Today I will go to three places, including Fuente Obejuba. We distribute water for nine hours in total.”

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