King Abdullah: This is Not Moslem!

Speaking at the Turco-Jordanian Business Council in Istanbul, King Abdullah said that ; Many countries tell us to fight extremism but this is half of the war because fighting extremism and terror is not enough; their reasons must also be removed.

Israeli-Palestinian conflict

Speaking at the working breakfast, King Abdullah went on to say; Extremists in the Arab-Moslem world find support because of the Israeli-Palestinian problem. Once the Palestinian problem is solved, 70-80 % of terror will be gone. Another problem of Islam is the fight between moderates and extremists. This can be solved by long-term education; that is the only panacea. “

Pledge for trade agreement

Upon questions about signing a trade agreement with Turkey, King Abdullah said that; We promise to sign such an agreement. But because Jordan is a smaller country, there are some problems are some sectors. But we shall consider the views of the Turkish government and I hope we solve this problem.