
Italy calls for resumption of peace process amid tensions between Israel, Palestine


Italy called Thursday for the resumption of the peace process amid tensions between Israel and Palestine, saying recent violent incidents in the region serve as evidence of the unsustainability of the status quo. 

Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani held a meeting with his Israeli counterpart Eli Cohen at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Rome.

Italy’s relations with Israel are based on friendship and solidarity, according to a statement issued by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs after the meeting.

The statement underlined that in addition to strong political ties, Israel is a strategic partner for Italy in areas such as agriculture, food, biotechnology, cyber security, artificial intelligence, space and energy.

Tajani referred to the recent events as “terrorist attacks” and expressed Italy’s solidarity with Israel in the face of the loss of lives.

He also expressed concern about the increase in the number of victims of violence this year.

Tajani reiterated Italy’s support for the normalization agreements between Israel and some Arab countries, which he noted can contribute to long-term peace and stability in the Middle East.

Last week, Israel concluded its largest military operation in Jenin in more than 20 years.

At least 12 Palestinians were killed, including five children, and more than 140 were injured in the offensive, according to the Palestinian Health Ministry.

The raid also left a massive trail of destruction across the West Bank city, with dozens of homes, vehicles, shops and utility lines destroyed.

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