Italian Ice for Bush

So many people joined in the march that one of the highways to Rome had to be shut down. The protesters staged a peaceful demonstration for the most part, as there were only a few small incidents with the police.

Bush, undeterred by the protests, met yesterday with Pope John Paul II. The Pope requested that Bush handover sovereignty to Iraqis as soon as possible. The Pope added that swift handover of sovereignty could be achieved with the active participation of the international community, in particular the United Nations. "Everyone wants this to happen in the shortest amount of time so that the situation can return to normal," stressed the Pope.

The Pope also expressed his hope that talks between Palestine and Israel would resume and that peace would come to the holy lands.

Afterwards, Bush met Italian President Carlo Azeglio Ciampi and Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi.

Elsewhere, France’s main opposition party, the Socialists, organized a protest against Bush who will arrive today in Paris.