Istanbul bombing ring broken up

Announcing the results of the police operation, Güler said that the group of bombers had been put out of action.
“We have uncovered all the details related to the organisation of the attacks, he said at a press conference.
Güler said that they had evidence that the Turkish group who had carried out the four bombings in Istanbul last month, which killed 62 people and wounded more than 700, were linked to al Qaeda.
“The suicide attacks were carried out by elements trying to organise for al Qaeda in Turkey,” the Istanbul governor said. “We can comfortably say that we have broken up the organisation’s Istanbul activities.”
Güler said that, with the success of the police’s operations, they had reduced the threat of terrorism in Turkey.
“This group has definitely been prevented from carrying out another attack in the future, so there is no need for panic,” he said.
Among the material seized by police was 500 kilograms of explosive, automatic weapons and a large quantity of ammunition.