
Israel strikes mosque in occupied West Bank


Palestinian medics say at least one person killed in strike on the Al-Ansar mosque.

Israel has struck a compound beneath a mosque in the occupied West Bank, with Palestinian medics reporting at least one person killed.

Israeli’s military said the strike on the Al-Ansar mosque, located in Jenin refugee camp, killed a number of “terror operatives” from Hamas and Islamic Jihad who had been using the building as a command centre to plan attacks.

There were conflicting reports of causalities.

Palestinian medics said at least one person was killed, after earlier telling the Reuters news agency that a strike on the Jenin refugee camp had killed two and wounded several others.

Al Jazeera’s Sara Khairat Saud, who is in the West Bank, said that witnesses at the Jenin refugee camp heard and saw  a fighter jet, taking many by surprise as it is usual for Israel to carry out airstrikes in the West Bank.

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