Israel Freezes Handover to Palestinians

"The defence minister ruled that Israel sees Syria and the Islamic Jihad movement as those standing behind the murderous attack in Tel Aviv," a statement from Mofaz’s office said.
Islamic Jihad denial
But the resistance movement denied involvement in the attack. Speaking to Aljazeera early on Sunday, the Deputy Secretary General of Islamic Jihad movement, Ziyad al-Nakhla said: "I assure you that no official statements, claiming responsibility for the operation, have been issued by either me or any other Islamic Jihad officials."

"I also assure you that we don’t have any information about this operation, except for what has been reported on media organisations.

"I assure our commitment to the period of calmness agreed with the Palestinian Authority and we will continue sticking to this agreement," he added.

And Nafidh Azzam, another official spokesman of Islamic Jihad denied the allegations. "We assure you that Islamic Jihad movement is still committed to the period of calmness agreed with President Abu Mazin," Azzam said.
"There are some unknown circumstances," he said. "I assure you that none of Islamic Jihad’s leaders has claimed responsibility for Tel Aviv operation," he added.

Demands to Syria

Israeli officials have repeatedly demanded that Syria close the headquarters of Palestinian resistance groups in Damascus.

"The defence minister said in his summing-up that Syria continues to support and give patronage to terror groups carrying out attacks, something that endangers the continuation of the peace process with the Palestinians and the stability of the region," the statement said.

However, Syrian Foreign Ministry official also denied Syria’s involvement in the attack.

Speaking to Aljazeera’s correspondent in Syria, the official said the Islamic Jihad’s bureau in Damascus was currently closed.

Nevertheless, an Israeli official said the army had attacked Syrian targets in the past and would do so again if it felt this would stop Damascus-based groups from attacking Israeli targets.

Accusing Syria of being behind a bombing in Tel Aviv over the weekend, Deputy Defence Minister Zeev Boim said an Israeli attack would "send a message to [Syrian President Bashar] al-Asad" that he had to clamp down on Islamist groups based in Damascus.

‘No diplomatic progress’

Meanwhile, Palestinian leader Mahmud Abbas met cabinet ministers and security chiefs on Saturday to discuss a response to the attack.

Palestinian security forces have arrested two suspected fighters in connection to Friday’s attack. The arrests were on orders from Abbas, who called the attack "sabotage.

Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon also urged Abbas on Sunday to "wipe out" resistance groups before peacemaking could resume.

"There will not be any diplomatic progress, I repeat, no diplomatic progress, until the Palestinians take vigorous action to wipe out the terror groups and their infrastructure in the
Palestinian Authority’s territory," Sharon told his cabinet.

The bomber was identified as 21-year-old university student Abdallah Badran, from a village near the West Bank town of Tulkaram.