Israel Exposes Palestinians to Killer Radiations

Palestinian medics said that potential diseases include thrombocytopenic, sterility, congenital anomalies, cancer, leukemia, mental retardation and ductless glands disorder, warning that Palestinians are slipping toward slow death.

“I was forced by Israeli occupation troops to enter this scary room-like radiating device, which consists of glass and barbed wire,” Mohammad Al-Sadoudi, 40, told

“Israeli troops were at least 10 meters away and Israeli citizens are not allowed to enter this room. I fear that I might be inflicted with cancer as I frequently use the (Rafah) crossing.”

Radioactive War

Osama Al-Assar, the administrative director of Rafah crossing, said Israel is launching a “radioactive war” against the Palestinians.

“It seems as if their daily incursions are not enough,” he told IOL. “We urge media and NGOs to expose these blatant aggressions against our people.”

“I’m so worried about the generations to come as many pregnant women are passing through this obnoxious room day in and day out,” Assar added.

Walid Al-Salhi, the director of preventive security at the Rafah crossing, said the room is made of lead-coated glass and is holding inside it a one-meter high cylinder-shaped device.

“Doctors warned that this device produces life-threatening, bone-piercing rays and Israeli troops can easily see the body parts of Palestinians, using the infra-red technology,” Salhi said.

The Gaza Community Mental Health Program has launched a campaign against the Israeli use of radiation inspection system at Rafah Crossing.

As a first practical step, GCMHP initiated a request from its partner organization Physicians for Human Rights in Israel to pursue the Israeli authorities to request examining the danger of such apparatus.

In case the Israeli authority did not respond to such demands, it will resort to filing a compliant to the Supreme Court of Israel to send a qualified professional team or a neutral medical committee in an attempt to halt the use of such hazardous inspection system.

To the suffering of thousands of Palestinians, Israel usually closes the Rafah crossing under security pretexts.

The suffering swelled in August when the occupation army closed the checkpoint for up to 17 consecutive days.

Some 3,000 men, women and children of all ages were crammed into a parking lot about half the size of a soccer field with only two doors for ventilation and straw mats serving as beds.